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Your Host!

Angel Marie


Konnichiwa Everyone!


I would like to personally thank you for visiting and or joining my blog. Let me share a little bit about myself. I am Child Care Director. I have my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education alongside Development of Curriculum and more. I have been a Child Care Director for five consecutive years.


I went back to school to learn Business Management and there after I decided to open up my own Child Care Center.  I Directed my Child Care Center for three consecutive years and then COVID Hit! My business took a drastic nose dive.


To make a long story short, one of my colleagues and I decided to team up and start a side business together that never came to pass for personal reasons in her life. I knew that I could not let a hurdle stop me from moving forward in my life as an entrepreneur. I needed to be apart of a building block that would allow me to help others that was not physically interacting with people.


My sister married a guy that did not know much English. My sister and her husband would use a translator app to communicate. I told them, "You two need to learn each others language." Easier said than done. Upon my research, I have found that taking a class or a course of your choice language is harder than I thought. Foreign Language Classes are not as available as it is needed. And the classes that I did find was a pretty penny.


The inaccessibility of foreign language classes has been my inspiration for developing  "New Tongue Translations."   Not only has the experience of being the link between the student and the trainer been rewarding. I personally feel like the students learn faster with a personal trainer that they can actually communicate with. The reward is always to see one accomplish their own personal goal.


I am really excited that you have chosen to stop by my blog and allow my team take you to the level that you are trying to reach with learning a NEW TONGUE!







Angel Marie

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