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Booking Online

Welcome to your Private Language Translator Booking Online Page. If you are for certain that you are ready to book with the trainer of your choice, select one of the package prices below. The meetings will be held with Google Meet. You will be required to have a google account to proceed with a successful meeting. 


Each meeting is different.. Each trainer is different.. Please be patient and open to be taught the way that the trainer knows how to teach you. Do not try to teach the trainer their own native tongue. They have their own personal ways of teaching. 


The prices are $1 per minute. Review the packages before selecting and please be sure that you are ready to train at the time that you have reserved, time slots are booked rapidly.  If you miss the appointment that you have scheduled, you will have to reschedule a new appointment. The trainers has their own set schedules and keep in mind of the difference in the time zones.


Thank you again for choosing New Tongue Translations as your translating platform connection. 


=Angel Marie

CEO/Your Host

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